
Richard Schwarz
5 past 12

Or why we can’t put the brake on

Innsbruck, Sautens & Schwaz , various locations
September - October 2023

The products of the mechanical clock are identical units of time. With them, independently and contrary to the rhythms of nature, production is continuous and its efficiency increases – until it goes berserk.

The project 5 past 12 by islandrabe explores how we ourselves “function” to the beat of time and what keeps us from slowing down or even stopping. And it reveals, through artistic means, what we may gain when we lose time.


to the description

Project description

The fact that clocks tick in unison all over the world is still a recent invention – a concession made some 120 years ago to increasing global velocity and interconnectedness. The standard time introduced then was intended to create order in work, leisure and traffic, and today it sets the rhythm for almost every aspect of our lives. The clock cycle may have brought humanity benefits and progress, but the consequences of the associated use of time are visibly turning into their opposite: perhaps we need to lose our fear of the times ‘standing still’ (when nothing is consumed or produced) in order to save ourselves (as humanity)?

The process is key for the project 5 past 12 by islandrabe. The stages of realisation will indicate what it takes or would take to stop the clocks – and reveal the effect of the time we count on. As a visible signal, time will stand still for twelve hours on 18 October 2023: as many clocks as possible will be stopped in public places in Tyrol from 5 past midnight to 5 past twelve. Ideally, a timeless existence is established during this period, in which we become impressively aware of our own relationship to time.

At the same time, and from September onwards, 5 past 12 will offer more opportunities to immerse oneself in time: with workshops, a time salon, city walks, a competition, and a series of audio features. Time can simply be won – not in the sense of saving time, but as a surprising, enjoyable experience of timelessness.

Note: The imagery used is a variation of the ‘Doomsday Clock’ from the September 1962 cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which has set it every year since 1947. Use of the imagery and reference to the Doomsday Clock, does not necessarily constitute the endorsement by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; information on this under https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/

More information: www.5nach12.info

A project by islandrabe (islandrabe.com) as a collaboration of: Melanie Haberl (Public Relations), Benedikt Haid (Design), Verena Nagl (Photo), Esther Pirchner (Text), Sonja Prieth (Podcast), Richard Schwarz (Conzept)

In cooperation with municipalities, church institutions, archives, museums, infrastructural and educational centres in Tyrol, and in exchange with nationally operating actors in time.

All dates and events at a glance

22.09.2023, 18.00 time in Sautens (ca. 18.17 M.E.Z.)
Buffet Freischwimmbad Sautens, Mühlgasse 16, 6432 Sautens
Zeitlos in Sautens. Ein Abend im Freischwimmbad, der der Zeit gewidmet ist

25.09.2023 Start competition Zeit zu gewinnen | Schwaz
Information (in German): https://5nach12.info/gewinnen/
Participation: gewinnen@5nach12.info

26.09.2023 Online Release first audio feature
https://5nach12.info/audio/ (in German)

12.10.2023, 19.00 time in Schwazer (19.13 M.E.Z)
Kunstraum Schwaz, Franz-Josef-Straße 27, 6130 Schwaz
Es spart Zeit. Was das Smartphone mit Zeit zu tun hat

14.10.2023, 10.30 Stadtspaziergang
Auf der Suche nach der öffentlichen Zeit

Start Stadtarchiv/Stadtmuseum Innsbruck, Badgasse 2, 6020 Innsbruck
(Registration from 02.10.23 via telephone Telefon 0512/5360 1400 (Mo-Fr 09.00–17.00) or E-Mail post.stadtarchiv@innsbruck.gv.at)

Die Uhren stehen still und ich hab‘ Zeit
Mittwoch 18.10.2023 Time stop 0:05 bis 12:05

for example at the Stadtturm Innsbruck, IKB- Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe Uhr, Landhaus Innsbruck, church clocks in Innsbruck: Jesuitenkirche, Johanneskirche, Pfarre St. Nikolaus Propstei and Dompfarre St. Jakob, Servitenkirche, Spitalskirche, clock at the Gemeinde Sautens and in Schwaz at the Bischöflichen Gymnasium Paulinum, Pfarrkirche Maria Himmelfahrt,  Spitalskirche (Bezirkskrankenhaus Schwaz) and at the Kulturamt der Stadtgemeinde Schwaz.
More information +43 (0)512/502 1810 and at  www.5nach12.info as well as on October 18, 2023 from sunrise until noon at  info booth at the bus terminal (main station) and in front of the Spitalskirche (Maria-Theresien-Straße) in Innsbruck.