
Angela Anderson & Ana Hoffner
Hexenküche – Formerly Known As

Innsbruck, Mühlauer Klamm
postponed to 2024

Until recently, the so-called Hexenkuchl in the Mühlauer Klamm featured caricature reliefs of so-called “witches,” locked in a small cave behind a metal gate. These figures propagated misogynist stereotypes and trivialized the violence and terror of the European witch hunts.

to the description

Project description

Through a series of architectural and textual interventions at this specific site, the project “Hexenküche – Formerly Known As” will call into question the mainstream historical memory of the figure of the witch. This multi-part visual and sculptural work, including a medicinal herb garden, revised signage, and redesigned seating, will transform the location from one which actively reinforced gendered hierarchies into one which is welcoming and empowering for all who pass by.

In early fall, a panel discussion and workshop entitled “Who Owns the Mountain?” will take place in the context of this project. This event will address how structural inequalities and discrimination like racism, sexism, ableism and homophobia affect one’s experience in the mountains, with a specific focus on Innsbruck and the surrounding landscape. There will also be an opening of the newly designed Hexenkuchl in early fall.